PURPOSE: It's been said that "If you don't know where your going, you'll probably get there." Nowhere is this more true than in marketing, where the sheer number of moving parts can be daunting. Your marketing team has to execute and measure their success against a detailed set of schedules, tactics, and associated costs. An added benefit of having this is that it allows your team to simplify their activities by finding out what actually works and focusing on that.
PROCESS: We begin with your revenue targets, selling cycle, and lead conversion rates to derive a lead generation schedule that meets those targets. From there, we work with your marketing team to create "Playbooks" which include specific campaigns, calendars, and metrics that keep your marketing on track, on time, and on budget.
DELIVERABLE: Your "Playbook" is delivered as a spreadsheet and can also be integrated into your CRM system. It contains every campaign, the expected results, milestones and responsibilities, and estimated costs. It also provides for the input of results and tracking and reporting of related metrics. I also provide direct interaction with your team to guide them through day-to-day implementation of the programs for as long as required to make them self-sufficient and able to produce and manage this system moving forward.